Resources Tailored to your Needs
Strategic Marketing Services has over 30 years of experience providing business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumers (B2C) market research services to our clients. While most of our projects historically have been B2B, we are also highly skilled and experienced with B2C studies. At SMS, we understand the differences between these markets and how they impact the design and implementation of research studies.
As a full-service market research firm, we create customized research strategies designed to meet the unique needs of our clients. Whether your organization needs B2B or B2C research services, SMS delivers the business intelligence you need to make wise decisions.
Client Speak - give your customers a voice.
Of all the things that contribute to a company’s success, there’s one so critical that no business can survive without it. It’s the satisfied customer. Satisfied customers are loyal. They spend more, they’re more likely to refer other customers, and they actually cost less to serve.
But customer satisfaction is about much more than just identifying happy customers. To reap the benefits of customer satisfaction, you need to understand what drives it. And you need to understand it from from the point of view of the customer. You need to listen.
And that’s what SMS Client Speak helps you do. Imagine if you could accurately and systematically identify and deliver the things your customers value most. You can, with SMS Client Speak.
MarketSolve - research with an incentive.
At SMS, we understand your business in unique--so your growth strategies need to be unique, too. That's why we created SMS MarketSolve, especially for Iowa organizations. Whether your organization is considering more to existing customers, finding new customers, or considering adding a new product or service, market research can help ensure your organization gets the best intelligence to make wise decisions.
The program is simple. First, SMS will listen to your unique challenges and develop a market research project that meets your specific needs and collect relevant marketplace information. Second, we will analyze the data and deliver intelligence so your team can make wise, informed decisions to increase your sales and grown your organization. Best of all, SMS has funding available to cover 50% - or up to $10,000 - of the total project cost, resulting in affordable marketplace insights for your organization.
Case Studies
City of Cedar Falls
SMS assisted the City of Cedar Falls to develop and administer a benchmark employee climate survey to monitory employee feedback in an effort to improve and foster the relationship between leadership and employees. The city plans to continue to track improvements/deficiencies in the future to facilitate improvement initiatives.

Waverly Utilities
Since 2014, SMS has conducted three Voice of the Customer studies to assist Waverly Utilities in monitoring customer feedback relative to current products and services, customer service, and energy efficiency programs, as well as overall perceptions of WU. WU understands the value of listening to what their customers are saying and acting on it. This commitment to listen is essential for making wise decisions that result in creating and maintaining satisfied customers-customers loyal for the long-term.

United Ways of Iowa
SMS conducted primary and secondary research to assist the United Ways of Iowa in assessing the statewide impact of COVID-19 on the ALICE (Asset-Limited Income-Constrained Employed) population in Iowa to inform how to best support Iowa ALICE families throughout long-term recovery and beyond. SMS worked with the United Ways of Iowa to develop the content of an online survey and created/distributed a communication piece that was distributed across the state. Almost 3000 surveys were completed from 94 of Iowa’s 99 counties.